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Class B – Spotter

Class B Spotter: pages 117 – 137 of The Tunnel Book

Spotting for a Class A Flyer – Static

  1. Barrel roll – belly to back
  2. Barrel roll – back to belly
  3. Barrel roll – belly to belly
  4. Belly to stand
  5. Stand to belly
  6. Stand to back
  7. Back to stand
  8. Walking
  9. Belly to back
  10. Back to belly
  11. Front layout
  12. Back layout
  13. Inface carving
  14. Outface carving

Spotting for a Class B Flyer – Static


  1. Back to sit
  2. Sit to back
  3. Controlling sit flyer
  4. Sit to sit – front flip
  5. Sit to sit – back flip
  6. Sit to sit – cartwheel

Head down:

  1. Head down on the net with grips
  2. Head down on the net stabilising the flyer
  3. Changing place to avoid burbling the leg
  4. Head down on the net bailing the flyer
  5. Head down on the net assisting the flyer
  6. Recovering unassisted flyer
  7. Head through net recovery
  8. Sit to head down – back flip
  9. Head down to sit through the back
  10. Sit to head down through the belly
  11. Head down to sit through the belly
  12. Sit to head down – cartwheel